DIXF import open balance Validation error

Scenario: Import open balance with DMFLedgerJournalEntity OffsetAccountType = 0 (= Ledger) Validation of the journal gives an error: DimensionValidation::syncStructureChangesPrivate In order to import a base enumeration with  DIXF, you can specify in the file the Label or the EnumValue. In my file, I have the EnumValue (0). In the two methods DMFLedgerBalanceEntity.GenerateOffsetLedgerDimension() DMFLedgerBalanceEntity.GenerateLedgerDimension() AX compares … Continue reading DIXF import open balance Validation error

Update Fixed Dimension (Main account)

Scenario: I have to update the value "Fixed / Not fixed" for the financial dimensions in the main accounts with the DIXF. First of all I've added a new field in the DMFMainAccountEntity in order to save the string with the "Fixed (= 1) / Not fixed (= 0)" values: DMFMainAccountEntity.FixedDefaultDimensionStr The format is the same … Continue reading Update Fixed Dimension (Main account)

Call two time the same report but with different design from controller class

Call two time the same report but with different design from controller class Scenario: I have a report (MyReport) with two desing (DesignA and DesignB). The two designs are in the same report because the datasource is the the same and they are called from the same menu item. The DesignA is always printed, but only … Continue reading Call two time the same report but with different design from controller class

DIXF: Generate JournalNum for PriceJournal

The entity DMFPriceDiscAdmTransEntity requires the field JournalNum. I want to generate automatically this number. In the class DmfPriceDiscAdmTransEntityClass I've added a new method: If I start another "Copy data to target", I hava already the JournalNum (and an existing Price journal) and the target records will be updated (if the journal is not posted). In the method generatePriceDiscTableLink … Continue reading DIXF: Generate JournalNum for PriceJournal

SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder: Enable/disable button depend on a flag

Scenario: I have to create a dialog with SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder with: a flag "MyFlag" a button "MyButton" When the flag is active, I have to disable the button. When the flag is not active, I have to enable the button. Create the UIBuilder class: class MyUIBuilderClass extends SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder { MyClassNameContract contract; FormBuildButtonControl myButton; DialogField myFlag; } … Continue reading SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder: Enable/disable button depend on a flag

DIXF: Duplicate mapping after “Generate mapping from modifications”

The "Generate mapping" regenerate the mapping from staging to target. When we click on "Generate mapping" we have two possibility: Generate the mapping from scratch It means that AX deletes and recreate the mapping. With this options all the (possible) manual modifications are deleted. Generate the mapping from modifications It means that AX adds the … Continue reading DIXF: Duplicate mapping after “Generate mapping from modifications”

DIXF: one field with multiple mappings

Scenario: I want to mapping one field in the staging table with multiple fields on the target table. In the image, the field EmploymentType is mapped with two fields on the target table. (For the example I've used the Employee entity) To do this, you have to add a mapping in the code. For example, view … Continue reading DIXF: one field with multiple mappings

Security: View “Sales quotation” button

Scenario: I have a user that is associated to a custom role (TradeSalesClerk + other permissions/duties). I've added the following permissions to the role: SalesQuotationGenerate SalesQuotationTableDetailsMaintain but in the form of the customers (CustTableListPage + CustTable) the user does not see the button for the creation of a sales quotation (see picture below). Solution: In the permission "SalesQuotationTableDetailsMaintain", the … Continue reading Security: View “Sales quotation” button

Invent recalculation error

When I start the invent recalculation (Inventory and warehouse management > Periodic > Closing and adjustment), I receive the following error: "You can't have unallocated cost on a planning formula." Scenario: Create a production order and started it In this moment the system creates the transaction on the production order header and the corresponding records in … Continue reading Invent recalculation error